
Development Of Teaching Hospital,
Integrated Research Center and Wastewater Treatment Plant

Higher Education for Technology and Innovation (HETI) Project ADB Universitas Lampung

About Us

The Higher Education for Technology and Innovation (HETI) project is supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). This project aims to enhance the educational and research capacities at two higher education institutions: the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) in East Java and the University of Lampung (UNILA) in Sumatra.

Project Objectives for Education and Research Development: Integrating advanced technology in teaching and research to expand UNILA's capacity to offer programs relevant to the market and high-quality research. Improvement in Healthcare Services: Establishing an educational hospital prepared to handle pandemics and an integrated research center to support the development of quality healthcare professionals.

Capacity Strengthening in Medical Education and Research

Construction of an educational hospital prepared to handle pandemics, gender-responsive, and disability-friendly. Development of an integrated research center to provide laboratories for research in tropical medicine, biomedical sciences, pathology, and nutrition.

Development Details

Educational Hospital: Class C with 100 beds, expandable to Class B.
Integrated Research Center: Providing research facilities across various life sciences disciplines.

Organization Structure

  • Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek): Serving as the project implementing agency.
  • Universitas Lampung (UNILA): Acting as one of the project implementing bodies, along with ITS.
  • Project Management Unit (PMU): Responsible for project management and implementation.
  • Project Management and Supervision Consultant (PMSC): Assisting the PIU in project management and supervision.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for more information about our programs and services.

Email: pmsc.unilaproject@gmail.com

Phone: +62 859-5404-1681

Address: Jl. Sumantri Brojonegoro No.1, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia